
How To Make A Pistol Slide Easier

Have y'all e'er felt like a delicate flower because you lot had trouble racking the slide on your semi-automatic handgun?

Do you lot pass your weapon off to your boyfriend/brother/husband/grandson when yous demand to rack the slide?

Worried you won't have time to do that in a existent self-defense force state of affairs? (Hint: You won't.)

"Excuse me Mr. Violent Rapist, could y'all hold on just a second while I call my beau to come rack this slide for me?"

How to rack a slide midline
How to rack a slide midline

Thankfully, there is a underground to racking a slide for those of us with weak hands, and it doesn't involve hitting the costless weights at the gym.

It'southward all about technique. Not muscle.

We can do it poster

If yous're sporting a semi-auto pistol and having a hard time snatching that slide all the way to the rear, go along reading. We've got some tips to aid you lot rack your sidearm like a badass, even if you lot take weak easily.

Tabular array of Contents


Y'all Don't Demand to Striking the Gym

You don't need human being hands and big biceps to rack the slide on your handgun. Information technology really takes very little muscle when yous practice information technology correct.

There are enough of shooters with homo hands and big biceps that are doing it wrong.

The difference between them and us (Yes. I have felt like a fragile bloom, too) is they have enough upper body strength to muscle their style through it.

skipped leg day
Leg solar day? Never heard of information technology.

We don't.

The trouble occurs when those big, strong guys (with plenty of testosterone on their side) pass their pistols to their sister/wife/girlfriend/grandma.

Unfortunately, they can't walk her through the process of racking the slide because they don't know the proper technique.

When she tin can't muscle the slide dorsum similar they practise, the guys chalk it upwards to weak easily or bird artillery. While information technology may seem funny to you lot large guys, it leaves those poor girls feeling inadequate, helpless, and incapable of handling a mod pistol.

Don't worry, ladies (or anyone else with weak hands). We've got you covered.

Woman defending home with pistol
Someone broke into the incorrect house.

Here is a pace by step breakdown of the proper technique for racking a slide. Do up, and you lot'll be racking that slide similar a pro in no time.

Proper Technique for Racking a Slide

The secret to racking the slide on your pistol is to focus on pushing the weapon with your dominant manus rather than pulling the slide with your weaker side.

Sounds counterintuitive, doesn't it? Trust me. Merely follow these simple steps:

Stride one

Grasp the handgun firmly by the grip using your firing hand. Keep your finger off the trigger and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

How to rack a slide palm

Step 2

Place the heel of your back up hand on the slide serrations and wrap your fingers over the slide. Grasp the serrations on the opposite side with the four fingers of your support paw. Practise not cover the ejection port.

House grip

Step three

While holding the slide firmly, dial the firing hand forrad. This isn't the fourth dimension to be dainty. The movement should be fast, potent, and forceful…similar a expert old-fashioned bar room punch.

Although yous may pull the slide back slightly every bit you dial, the focus should exist on punching the gun forward (or slightly angled to the side), not pulling the slide dorsum.

How to rack a slide ejectionport2
Punch it!

Step four

Once the slide reaches its rearmost position, let it go. Don't ride the slide forward or with your support hand.

Just let the leap do its job. I hope information technology doesn't need your help. Riding or following the slide forward can cause a frustrating jam.

Other Tips and Tricks

If y'all're still having trouble racking the slide fifty-fifty after post-obit these steps, here are a few other convenient tips and tricks.

Don't be Afraid of Your Gun

These weapons definitely deserve a healthy dose of respect, but I've seen far too many newbies handle their sidearm with nothing but their fingertips. It's like they think the firearm might reach out and slap them if they aren't gentle.

It's okay to handle your weapon with some authority. If you don't feel very authoritative, fake it 'til you brand it.

fake it till you make it

I hope y'all aren't going to interruption your pistol. Those things are designed to withstand an internal explosion that produces internal pressures of somewhere almost 27,000 psi every time you fire a shot (and that'due south if you lot're shooting standard 9mm).

A niggling manus force per unit area isn't going to cause your pistol to crumble in your fingers.

Keep It Shut

Humans are naturally stronger at their midline, so pull your pistol in toward your omphalos to harness more than essential muscle strength.

Also, make sure not to flare your elbows out to the side. Keep them tucked close to your body.

How to rack a slide midline
At your midline for strength!

Use Your Shoulder

Still having trouble? Lean forward slightly and point your shoulder as you throw that punch with your ascendant manus. You tin can besides call back about punching down at an angle rather than straight out in front of you.

Safety First

It'south like shooting fish in a barrel to get caught up in the goal of racking the slide and in the procedure get careless with gun safety. Consider this a friendly reminder to e'er play it safe.

Patriot Patch Co - 4 Rules of Gun Safety

Muzzle Safe

Resist the temptation to wrench the cage in dangerous ways. It's easier to punch the pistol at an angle to the side than it is to punch it straight out in front of your body.

This keeps the pistol shut to your body, so y'all can harness some extra core trunk strength. Nonetheless, fellow shooters on the firing line don't usually take kindly to muzzles pointed in their direction.

If you lot demand to utilise this motility to rack the slide, turn your body sideways in your shooting lane, and then the cage is always pointing safely downrange.

Finger Off the Trigger

Keep that booger picker indexed forth the pistol'south frame, well abroad from the trigger. You want it high and out of the way.

Finger on the trigger only when you're fix to fire!

As you strongly clasp the slide with your support manus, your natural instinct is to likewise clasp the gun with your shooting hand, which could cause y'all to subconsciously slip that finger into the trigger guard and pull.

This is chosen the sympathetic grip reflex, and it is seriously "no bueno." The all-time way to prevent it from happening is to go along that trigger finger high upwardly on the frame and well away from the trigger.

Don't Comprehend the Ejection Port

The ejection port is the function of your pistol that all that hot contumely comes flying out of when yous shoot.

full auto Sterling
Ejection port flinging hot contumely out of a Sterling SMG

Never embrace the ejection port with your manus.

Covering the port can trap a spent casing and preclude the bedchamber from being emptied when you rack the slide. This can cause a frustrating malfunction.

Fifty-fifty worse…you could be struggling with the slide and accidentally punch a primer causing the case to dissever (This is admittedly rare merely non outside the realm of possibilities).

When the round detonates in the palm of your hand, information technology will cause an awful mess of blood and tissue that will really piss off your friendly neighborhood range safety officer.

Departing Shots

If you however observe yourself struggling even after following our tips, keep practicing. I hope information technology gets easier over fourth dimension. Not only will practise help you master the technique, information technology also helps loosen up the pistol's recoil spring.

Newer pistols have stiffer, stronger springs. With utilize, these springs tend to loosen upwards, making it easier to rack the slide.

Owning and conveying a firearm is a huge responsibility, and shooters demand to exist able to operate their weapon self-sufficiently. Follow our tips and you lot'll be racking the slide like a rockstar in no time.

Accept you e'er had trouble racking the slide on your pistol? Did these tips make it easier? Practice you have any tips of your ain? Hit u.s.a. up in the comments.

Looking for some handgun recommendations for women (that don't involve copious amounts of pink)? Check out our Best Handguns for Women.

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